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bt-eagle.jpg"SR-71 Blackbirds" Index:  Descriptions and URL's to all 147 Pages on this site.

bt-eagle.jpgSR-71  Movie Video Archive: Blackbird movies you can download to your computer. 

bt-eagle.jpgAn American Patriot Speaks Out: Brian Shul's 2002 Veterans Day speech at March ARB, Ca.

bt-eagle.jpg"I Want To Be A Pilot": An 11 year old writes an essay.

bt-eagle.jpgSR-71 Recon Systems "Executive Handbook":  36 Fact filled Pages.

bt-eagle.jpgSR-71 Blackbird Slide Briefing: Courtesy USAF, Strategic Air Command.

bt-eagle.jpgSR-71 Schematics and Drawings: For the student or modeling enthusiast.

bt-eagle.jpgBlackbird Speed and Altitude Records

bt-eagle.jpgLockheed SR-71 Image Archive: 46 Blackbird Photos by Lockheed Martin Photographers.

bt-eagle.jpgCurrent Locations of SR-71's and Forerunners A12 and YF12 Aircraft

bt-eagle.jpgSR-71 Specifications

bt-eagle:SR-71 Blackbird Fact Sheet and Chronology of Events

bt-eagle.jpgSR-71 Blackbird Losses Listing

bt-eagle.jpgLockheed YF12A Interceptor: Data & Missile Launches.

bt-eagle.gifPratt & Whitney J-58 Engines Power the Blackbird

bt-eagle.jpgLockheed D-21A Air Launched Drone: The M21 Blackbird with a Drone on the fuselage.

bt-eagle.jpgD-21B Drone Image Archive: 50 Images of the Senior Bowl Program

bt-eagle.jpgThe Early Days of the Blackbirds: 4200th and the 9th SRW Photos and Recollections. Contains a miscellaneous collection of data and events. 9th SRW Commander Colonel Minter launches #962 from Kadena as "Crew Chief for a Day" in 1969.

bt-eagle.jpgSR-71 Theaters of Operation:

Clarence L. "Kelly" Johnson: The Man, The Myth, The Legend: A Biography. An SR-71 Salute to the 9th Security Police Squadron: Beale AFB, Ca.

9th Strategic Reconnaissance Wing Commanders: 1966-1986 with Biographies

The whole story of the Chevrolet 454 wildcat AG330 Start Carts used to start the SR-71.

9th Physiological Support Division (PSD) - A superb Article written by Kevin Svetcos on the detailed suit-up of SR-71 Crewmembers.

bt-eagle.jpgThe Mig-25 VS the SR-71 Blackbird: Specs of the Mig-25 and Lt. Belenko's Defection to the U.S.

bt-eagle.jpgUSAF Beale AFB Home Page

bt-eagle.jpgBlackbird Airpark Museum Lockheed Plant #42 Palmdale, Ca.

bt-eagle.jpgRead an Interview with SR-71 Pilot Col. Thomas M. Alison

bt-eagle.jpgFly the SR-71 with Philip Moyer...In the Simulator

bt-eagle.jpgBlackbird Books & Items to Buy: Go to this web page for a listing of Blackbird Books, Art Prints, Screensaver and Memorabilia that is available for purchase.

bt-eagle.jpgOxcart Story: How the Blackbird evolved. An article with roots to the CIA.

bt-eagle.jpgBuddy Brown's Book: The "Flight Crews of the Blackbird" and Historical "Milestones"-64 WebPages on this site written by Buddy Brown, SR-71 Pilot.

bt-eagle.jpgBlackbird Crews: 106 Photos of Crewmembers that flew the Blackbirds

bt-eagle.jpgPhil Loignon's SR-71 Photo Archive: RSO's collection of 68 photos of the early days.

bt-eagle.jpgBlackbird Association Reunion-1997

bt-eagle.jpgBlackbird Association Reunion-2001: Awards and Presentations

bt-eagle.jpgBlackbird Association Reunion-2005: Awards and Presentations

bt-eagle.jpgJohn Stone's Blackbird Page: The first U2 and SR-71 Blackbird site on the Internet. An In-Depth Timeline of SR-71 Events has been diligently researched here.

bt-eagle.jpgHabu.Org: The Online Blackbird Museum: The #1 Internet site for Blackbird Photos. David Allison's site contains superb images of all Blackbirds by tail numbers.

bt-eagle.jpgRoadrunners Internationale: Groom Lake; Area 51; CIA Blackbird operations. This is a new web site containing previously unreleased information about the dedicated people and events of the CIA involvement in the early days of the Blackbirds.

bt-eagle.jpgHabus.Org: This is a new web site (2004) that contains some great detailed descriptions by a pilot on what it is like to fly the Blackbirds. If you want to get in the cockpit of an SR-71 and take a flight, this is as close as it gets. Don't confuse this site with David Allison's Online Blackbird Museum:  www.Habu.Org

bt-eagle.jpgSR-71 Art Work By Edwin Markham and Dru Blair.

bt-eagle.jpg"High Flight" Poem by John Gillespie McGee, Jr.

bt-eagle.jpgLockheed, CIA and SR-71 Patches

bt-eagle.jpg SR-71 Blackbird & U-2 Dragon Lady Patch Site By Alan Johnson: A comprehensive collection of Blackbird patches...Probably the best on the Internet!

bt-eagle.jpgFriends of the Blackbird: This is a new website dedicated to those that are fans of the SR-71 Blackbirds. Video of the last SR-71B flight at Edwards plus other aircraft titled "The Second 50 Years of Airpower" is available for purchase and Larry Johnson, author has provided calendars for sale. No fee to join this fan club.

bt-eagle.jpgSR-71 Blackbird Screensaver: Now you can download a great Blackbird Screensaver that contains 116 images. There is a Free Trial and a Full version available. Go here for details or to download: ./Screensaver.htm

bt-eagle.jpgOwn a Piece of Titanium From a Blackbird: Dan Freeman, a Retired Air Force Machine Shop Chief is offering unique Titanium articles for sale at this web site. You can custom order to fit your needs. All Titanium that was stored at Barstow (2,151,760 lbs total of all materials) has been shredded and recycled. A must see Web Site!

bt-eagle.jpgLockheed Martin Corporation

bt-eagle.jpgU.S. Air Force Academy

bt-eagle.jpgLockheed Martin "Skunk Works" Website

anasa1.gifNASA Dryden's Flight Research Center

anasa1.gifSR-71 NASA Fact Sheet

anasa1.gifSR-71 NASA Photo Archive : 58 Photos of the SR-71, A12 & YF12A.

anasa1.gifNASA Aeronautics Education Links: Aerospace Source for Teachers and Students


Nasa YF-12C.jpg

The Blackbird...The Habu...The SR-71

(Photo Courtesy Lockheed Martin, Corp.)


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First Created: April 15, 1996 - Last Revised: March 29, 2004
Copyright © 1996 Leland R. Haynes     Email:


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