SR-71 Mission Recording System (MRS)

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The mission recording system was a vital element of the Blackbirds. This system collected and recorded specific internal aircraft flight and sensor activity data on each mission, together with the functioning of airplane and mission systems. The system  monitored 650 Parameters to include Engine, Electrical, Hydraulic, Digital Automatic Flight and Inlet Control System (DAFICS), Astro Inertial Navigation System (ANS), ECS, MRS and Sensor data. Data was used to improve components; prevent unit failures during flight such as Constant Speed Drives and monitor engine performance.

The following images was secured by Alan Johnson from the files located at Wright Patterson AFB in Dayton, Ohio. The images are very large but are necessary to show the data from the Historic Speed Run conducted on September 13, 1974. Capt Harold B. Adams, 31 (Pilot), and Major William Machorek, 32 (Reconnaissance Systems Officer), set a speed record from London to Los Angeles. They returned the Blackbird 5,447 statute miles in 3 hours 47 minutes and 39 seconds for an average speed of 1,435 miles per hour. These documents show the entire flight of Aircraft #972 to include the drop to lower altitude for refueling. We are indebted to Alan for his tenacity and perseverance in securing these historic documents. You can visit his United Kingdom web page here: Credit is also given to National Air and Space Museum for releasing these MRS tapes to the public.

Below are 12 reduced quality images. 

Click on the image to see the detailed High Resolution file 8 to 12X enlargement.



MRS Page1A.jpg















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