SR-71 Alma-Mater Guest Book Form


Spammers Notice: Your Spam is automatically deleted. If you bought this link expecting to see your Spam and their links on the Alma-Mater page, you just wasted your money.

Please complete the information in the following form and press the "Send" button. All information you enter below is subject to posting on the "SR-71 Alma Mater and Recollections of the Past" web site.

The information is sent to my E-mail address only. I then edit what you have entered for correct spelling and post your name and your comments as well as your email address to the Alma-Mater web page. Your physical address is not posted and is considered Confidential, however in the event a person wants to contact you at your physical address, I will email you their request or send you a letter if your email address is no good. Please keep the data base up to date with your email address as it changes...You may  use this form for that purpose. Allow up to one week for posting on the Internet.


Please complete the following information:

Rank, First and Last Name:

Mailing Address:



Your E-Mail:
Please re-enter Your E-Mail:

Your Phone Number:

Enter your SR-71 experiences, recollections and/or friends you are trying to locate. Please indicate here if this is an email address change:

Thank You for your Input


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First Created: April 15, 1996 - Last Revised: April 20, 2004
Copyright © 1996 Leland R. Haynes     Email:


Page #19 of the SR-71 Blackbirds